We need your help

Current Projects

Projects are being developed and/or put in place to reach the goal of sustainability. The children are learning skills that will enable them to become self-sufficient. The goal is to become less reliant on outside support. The children, staff, and community are learning to work together. Our Learning Center is not just for the use of the Havilah family, but for surrounding orphanages and community members as well.


Your gift to Global Vessels will be applied wherever most needed. Thank you for your support.

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Providing baking experience along with business skills to our children.

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Medical/Vision Service to the Community

On each of our mission trips physicians and other medical personnel accompany us.

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The Learning Center has a sewing room where children are developing skills to create and make their own clothes.

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Computer classes

Our computer room is equipped, and children are presently taking basic computer classes.

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